Our in-house graphic designer Michael Arce can design your marketing materials strategically, manage direct mail and maintain inventory. The printed pieces, such as brochures, flyers and business cards, you'll use to market your business. Every company needs "literature," printed pieces that do a careful and well thought-out job of presenting its products and services.
With the increased availability of powerful desktop publishing systems and software, many companies decide to meet these needs internally. Resist this impulse. Your homegrown materials will betray their off-the-cuff origin to most of the people who read them. Appearance is a reality in marketing, and you have to look as professional as you are. And no matter how creative you are, a commercial copywriter or graphic designer can vastly improve almost any marketing materials created by an entrepreneur.
We can create your logo and stationery package designed professionally. Do this, and don't change it for at least 10 years. Don't try this yourself, no matter how artistic you consider yourself. A professional artist will make sure your stationery materials reflect your corporate personality while maintaining a clean and professional look.
To understanding graphic design is a lifetime's work. A graphic designer is responsible for creating visual ideas for the purpose of informing or capturing the interest of consumers. This is done primarily by designing artwork, sound, text, and video into interactive multimedia, packaging, and advertisements using graphic design software.
Understanding brand image/photography. Small companies sometimes scrimp on getting good photos of their equipment, their job sites, their equipment in use or their accessories and their service in action. Having strong well shot images will set you apart from other small companies. Your customers want to be reassured of the quality of your product or service. Amateur snapshots give a very damaging impression of your professionalism. Good photography is an investment in your future. Ask us about photo shoots & purchasing good stock photos.
Appoint us as your lit boss. Your literature needs will be ever changing, with trade shows, with new products and markets and with normal growth. You must have one person responsible for anticipating future needs, we can handle literature production and maintaining inventory. Untended literature grows increasingly less useful and more frustrating. Contact Michael Arce our graphic designer to create your marketing materials and get professional results.